Help prevent tooth pain, decay, and gum disease to keep your mouth healthy.
Same-day emergency appointments. Call by noon and we will see you today!
Crowns strengthen and restore damaged teeth and fill gaps.
Fillings restore damaged teeth and help prevent tooth decay.
Join the 15 million smiles straightened with Invisalign Clear Aligners!
We offer many tooth replacement options like Implants, Crowns, and Dentures.
More than 50,000 Americans will get oral or throat cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Fortunately, our Grand Rapids dentists provide oral cancer screenings so cancer is detected in its early stages. Detecting oral cancer in its early stages gives you the best chance of survival.
If you recognize any signs of mouth cancer, schedule an appointment with our office as soon as possible. During your visit, our dentist will examine the inside of your mouth and feel for lumps, thickened skin, or other abnormalities.
Certain lifestyle choices will increase your risk for oral cancer, such as smoking, alcohol abuse, and prolonged sun exposure on the lips. It’s important you share an accurate medical history with our dentists so they can identify risk factors for oral cancer.
Our dentists are dedicated to helping you maintain good oral health by providing oral cancer screenings and other preventive dentistry services. To schedule your appointment with one of our Grand Rapids, MI, oral cancer screening dentists, call Contemporary Family Dental at (616) 209-3969, or contact us online.