Help prevent tooth pain, decay, and gum disease to keep your mouth healthy.
Same-day emergency appointments. Call by noon and we will see you today!
Crowns strengthen and restore damaged teeth and fill gaps.
Fillings restore damaged teeth and help prevent tooth decay.
Join the 15 million smiles straightened with Invisalign Clear Aligners!
We offer many tooth replacement options like Implants, Crowns, and Dentures.
Our dentists use the latest dental technology as part of their commitment to always provide quality dental care. If you have any questions regarding our dental instruments, call our office. To schedule your appointment with one of our Grand Rapids dentists, call Contemporary Family Dental at (616) 209-3969, or contact us online.
More than 50,000 Americans will get oral or throat cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Fortunately, our dentists provide oral cancer screenings so cancer is detected in its early stages. Detecting oral cancer in its early stages gives you the best chance of survival.
Spectra is a noninvasive caries (cavities) detection aid that helps eliminate the guesswork in detecting and diagnosing tooth decay. It is the only caries detector that uses fluorescence technology to visualize and discover cavities earlier than traditional methods. Our dentists use Spectra to treat cavities earlier than ever before.
Our Grand Rapids dentists use the Carestream 12600 camera because they understand its value toward patient care. This intraoral camera looks much like an oversized pen, but is used to take detailed pictures inside your mouth. While our dentists are able to examine your mouth with a hand mirror, the Carestream 12600 camera lets us display pictures on a screen so you can also see what’s happening inside your mouth.